This package list is compiled and used by unknownR to help users
easily and quickly discover useful packages rated by other users. By
default the top 30 are included in unknownR's list (plus R-core
recommended packages included in R).

Data is scraped from Crantastic and Inside-R; see footnote.
Note that Inside-R appears to multiply Crantastic's votes by a scaling factor.

RankCRAN packageUsersAvgVoteNumVotesCrantastic RankInside-R Votes
1ggplot2774.0 0 82018
2data.table633.949 131581
3plyr553.732 251338
4reshape333.616 35 772
5lme4243.7 8 34 363
6Sim.DiffProc234.330 10 825
7Sim.DiffProcGUI234.330 11 825
8Hmisc213.911 26 422
9lattice204.7 4 5 259
10RODBC174.211 20 520
11xtable164.2 8 23 321
12randomForest154.310 12 246
13RColorBrewer153.8 5 38 265
14stringr133.6 5 49 180
15sp124.2 6 21 308
16reshape2123.9 7 33 141
17RSQLite123.2 3112 155
18foreach114.3 9 17 316
19foreign113.9 4 37 193
20car113.5 1 58 22
21survival113.2 3114 155
22RTextTools113.0 2120 26
23quantmod104.3 9 14 335
24xts104.0 9 27 425
25rgl103.7 3 44 115
26XML103.7 3 45 222
27Matrix103.4 3 82 60
28cacheSweave 94.6 3 4 116
29nlme 94.5 1 6 74
30twitteR 94.2 6 22 189
31zoo 93.8 4 40 162
32maxent 93.5 2 60 26
33xlsReadWrite 84.2 5 24 247
34tikzDevice 83.9 6 36 311
35latticeExtra 84.0 2 41 81
36ape 83.6 4 50 158
37maptools 83.5 3 61 80
38survey 83.5 4 81 141
39RMySQL 83.3 3 83 155
40vegan 83.0 3123 86
41igraph 74.5 1 7 1
42caret 74.0 5 28 88
43PerformanceAnalytics 73.8 5 39 198
44rpart 73.8 2 42 120
45multicore 73.8 4 43 177
46MCMCglmm 73.7 3 46 119
47rgdal 73.6 4 53 158
48boot 73.5 5 59 180
49Rcmdr 73.2 5122 301
50Rcpp 73.0 2126 40
51Zelig 63.7 3 48 88
52testthat 63.5 3 62 38
53cluster 63.3 3 84 56
54reporttools 63.3 3 85 85
55mgcv 63.5 4109 103
56animation 63.1 5115 90
57coin 53.3 3 87 84
58odfWeave 53.3 3 88 107
59psych 53.2 3117 103
60snow 53.2 3118 222
61plotrix 53.0 2127 81
62plm 44.3 3 15 115
63rjags 44.0 1 29 1
64tm 43.7 3 51 34
65RJSONIO 43.7 4 52 57
66JGR 43.5 1 63 74
67xlsx 43.8 4 64 78
68roxygen 43.4 4 89 208
69unknownR 43.4 3 90 0
70pls 43.3 3 91 84
71lubridate 43.3 3 92 27
72glmnet 43.2 3119 47
73RUnit 43.0 2128 81
74multcomp 43.0 1129 74
75nnet 43.0 5130 45
76fields 35.0 0 1 148
77heavy 34.3 3 16 74
78XLConnect 34.3 2 30 54
79Defaults 33.7 4 47 155
80ez 33.7 3 54 157
81apcluster 33.7 3 55 34
82geoR 33.6 4 57 103
83bitops 33.5 1 65 74
84qtl 33.5 3 66 32
85seqinr 33.5 3 67 87
86spatstat 33.5 3 68 72
87Deducer 33.3 3 93 157
88R2WinBUGS 33.3 3 94 84
89fitdistrplus 33.2 3124 63
90raster 33.2 3125 87
91DPpackage 33.0 2131 56
92emdbook 33.0 2132 81
93AER 33.0 1133 74
94rv 24.2 3 18 153
95minpack.lm 24.3 3 19 153
96arules 24.0 1 31 1
97logging 23.7 3 56 157
98Rserve 23.5 1 69 26
99bigmemory 23.5 3 70 34
100iterators 23.5 3 71 85
101sendmailR 23.5 3 72 157
102spdep 23.5 1 73 74
103spgwr 23.5 1 74 74
104Cairo 23.4 3 95 155
105SemiPar 23.3 3 96 84
106caTools 23.4 3 97 45
107gRain 23.3 3 98 84
108hwriter 23.4 2 99 52
109picante 23.3 3100 84
110pedigreemm 23.3 3101 85
111genalg 23.3 3102 84 23.3 3103 84
113spam 23.3 3104 31
114vars 23.3 3105 84
115laercio 23.3 3106 84
116FNN 23.3 3107 27
117mritc 23.3 3108 26
118qcc 23.2 2113 118
119tree 23.2 3121 47
120analogue 23.0 2134 12
121faraway 23.0 2135 81
122klaR 23.0 2136 13
123mclust 23.0 2137 13
124RgoogleMaps 23.0 1138 75
125MHadaptive 23.0 2139 11
126LinearizedSVR 23.0 2140 14
127RecordLinkage 15.0 1 2 0
128sybil 15.0 1 3 3
129ggmap 14.0 1 32 0
130clim.pact 13.5 0 75 15
131mlbench 13.5 1 76 74
132onemap 13.4 5 86 140
133FactoClass 13.4 3110 89
134sampleSelection 13.3 3111 26
135RSvgDevice 13.2 2116 93
136Rcapture 13.0 2141 33
137SoDA 13.0 2142 29
138SparseM 13.0 2143 26
139aaMI 13.0 1144 20
140adehabitat 13.0 2145 81
141bnlearn 13.0 2146 81
142ca 13.0 2147 26
143copula 13.0 2148 27
144debug 13.0 2149 81
145gregmisc 13.0 2150 81
146GEVcdn 04.5 1 9 0
147deal 03.5 1 77 74
148ROracle 03.5 1 78 74
149abn 03.5 1 79 3
150int64 03.5 3 80 25

Crantastic's ranking seems inappropriate for unknownR's needs:
So, the data is scraped and we rank by the number of users, to address these issues.
No claim is made that this is the best method, just that it is better than Crantastic's rank.
This adjustment has been suggested to Hadley. If popcon is changed, this page can be removed.
The R function that generates this page, is here.

The content and data from Crantastic and Inside-R is available under the CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
The derived data on this page is also available under the CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

(Page generated on Thu Jun 21 20:51:36 2012 by hwriter 1.3)